
1066 1666 1847 1961 1965 1966 1983 1992 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2 50:50 8 AA abacus abbot Abbott and Costello abbreviation actor adhesive adjective aeroplane Africa Agatha Christie Agincourt Aintree air-raid airline Al Pacino Aladdin alcohol Aldrin ALGOL Ali Baba alice aliens Alistair MacLean alphabet Alps amaretti amber america American amount amphibians Amsterdam anatomy ancient Anderson Andy Woodcock anger Anglesey Anglican church animals Anne annually antirrhinum ants aquarius arachnophobia Archbishop archery arches architect architecture Argentina argon Arlene Harper arm Armstrong army Arsenal art artist As what Ask the Audience assassination astronaut astronomy At what At which ATC Athens attic Auden Australia Australian Austrian author autobiography automatic car Avon Azores azure Babe Bach backwards Bahamas Bailey balalaika bald ballet balloon balls Balmoral banderillero bar Barbra Streisand Barcelona barn owl baron baseball basement bathroom battenburg cake battle BBC Be Prepared beach beakers bear beat Beaulieu Beckindale bedfellows beech Belshazzar Benidrom Benin Berlin Berlin Wall berries Bette Davis Bette Midler biathlon biceps biggest Billiards biology birdie birds Birkenhead Birmingham birthday suit bit blackberry blackbird blackhammer blackish Bleinheim Palace Blue Danube Waltz boat boat race bob body Boeing 747 bogey bones Bonnie Booker Prize books border Boston bottles bowl boxing boy scouts brackish Brasil brickish bridge Bristol Britain British British Open brockish brogues Bruce Lee Buck's Fizz bugle call building buildings bull bullfighter Bullseye Buon Natale busiest Butch butcher buttocks By what Byron byte cabbage Cadillac Cagney and Lacey cake California Cambridge candy canoeing Canterbury Cantonese capital Capri capricorn captain car Carmen carnation Carrie Fisher cars Casablanca casino castle caterpillars cavalier caviar celebrity Celine Dion celt cement centre ceremony champange Channel Islands Charge Charger chart chemical elements chemistry cheque Cheryl Turner Cheshire Cat Chester Chevrolet chief constable children's books children's literature Chim Chim Cheree China Chinese chip chipolata Chippendale Chitty Chitty Bang Bang chocolate Chris Tarrant christmas christmas cake church Churchill circular circus cities clay climate clothes clutch pedal Clyde coat COBO coconuts Cod codicil coin collar colors comedy comets Complete composer composing compost compound word computer computer language conjuring constable contempt contestant continents coral reef Cork Cornwall coronation Coronet Corsica costermonger costume Cote D'Ivoire cotton counting counting device countries country house county Coventry cox cracker Crackerjack craft Craig Logue creatures Crecy Crewe cricket crime cross-dressing crown cube cue Culture cups currency dado daffodil Daily Mail Damian Daniel Daniel Day Lewis darts daughter Dave Reagan David Beckham David Cassidy David Hogg David McNab David Thompson David Yule dead Death on the Nile decimal decision deed poll deer definition degrees dentist deputy Derby Derby County Derek McMorrow description dessert detective Detroit Devon diamond diamonds dictionary dinner jacket dip switch dirham distance diving dizzy lizzy Dodge dog Donna Blake Donna Clark Donna Minors door Dorothy dot doublet Dover Dr Arnold Dr Crippen Dr Finlay Dr Foster Dr Jekyll Dr Watson dreams drink dry duck Duck Soup duke dulce Dumbo Durham dye E e.g. ear earl earth earthquake east ecology edges Edinburgh Educating Rita education Eel egg Eighth Question elder Eldorado Eleventh Question Elizabeth Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth the First Ellington Elton John Elvis Costello Emmerdale emperor penquin emu England English entertainment Equatorial Guinea equestrian escapology escudo etc. ethanol Ethiopia Eva Whittam Evita Exeter expression eye Fabric fairy tale fame familiarity family Family Fortunes famous farthing fashion Fastest Finger First faucet Fawlty Towers Felicity Kendal fell walker female fencing fertiliser fibre fiction Fifth Question fir fire firewalker first First Question fish Fishguard flag flattery flavor flavour flax Fleetwood Mac flood florin flower flower arranging flute Food fool football For what For which fork Forrest Gump FORTRAN Forty-niners foundations Fourth Question fox fraction France Frederick Forsyth French frog From which fruit fuel Full Nelson funambulist fur furniture Gabon Gagarin Galway Gambit game games Gandhi garden gas geisha Gene Hackman Genesis Genevieve geography George George Hamilton George Harrison George Lazenby Georgy Porgy German Germany Ghana Gilbert and Sullivan gin glands glasses Gloucester Goa goat gold golden eagle golf gondolier Graham Elwell gram Grand National grass grave Great Britain Greco-Roman Greece greengrocer greenhammer Gregor's Girl grinding stick groat ground guitar gymnastics gypsy Haddock hair half-crown Halifax Wigan Hamlet hamster hamstrings hand handbrake Handel handicap hardware Harley Davidson harp Harrison Ford Harry Houdini Harvey Wallbanger Harwich Hastings Hawaii hawthorn headache heart Heartbeat Heather Taylor Helen Sharman helicopter Henri Matisse Henry the Fifth heptathlon herbs herrings Hi De Hi highest hind history HMS Pinafore hockey hole holes holiday camp Homeward Bound Honda honey Horror horror stories horse horse race horseback hose hot cross bun house household How frequently How many humor Humphrey Bogart Humpty Dumpty hurricane hydrant hyena i.d. i.e. ice hockey ice skating Illustrated London News In what In which Independence Day Independent India Indianapolis insects Inspector Morse institution instrument interior wall inundation invention Ireland Irish island Isle of Man Isle of Wight Italian Italy Jack jackhammer Jackson jam Jamaica James James Bond Jane Janet January King Japan Japanese Jason Jason Vaughan javelin jeep Jehovah's Witnesses Jekyll & Hyde Jennifer Jason Leigh Jenny Jeremy Irons Jermaine Jeroboam Joanna Lumley Jodie Foster Joe Cocker John F Kennedy John Lennon John McKeown John Stewart Jolly Roger journalismus journalist judge Judith Beacroft Judy Garland Julie Andrews Julie Walters Jumbo juniper jury jute kangaroo karate Karl Marx Keats Kent kestrel kidnapping king King Arthur King Lear Kingston kiwi knowledge krypton Kung Fu L La Traviata land Langford language larceny larch largest Laurel and Hardy lead leaf leap year Lee Harvey Oswald Leeds legs Leicester Len Deighton Leonov Leslie Thomas Let's Make Love lexicon libra Lifted Lighthouse Family Lightning Seeds Lily the Pink lime Limerick limestone linden linen lion Lionel Bart liquid lira literature live Liverpool living Liza Minnelli loam local London London Orbital Motorway Longleat lord Los Angeles lungs lyrics M M1 M25 M4 M62 Macao Macbeth Madame Butterfly Madeira Madonna Madrid Magna Carta Majorca mammals Manchester United Mandy manor Manuel manufacturer Marco Polo mare Maria Montessori Mariah Carey Marilyn Monroe Marlborough marmalade marquess marriage married Mars Attacks marsala martial Martin Luther King Marvin Gaye Mary Mary Poppins mascarpone matador matches math Matthew Asbury mayor measurement meat Meddiah medicine Men In Black Mennonites merchant navy Merry Xmas Mersey Meryl Streep metal Mexico City Michael Michael Aspel Michael Bond Michael Douglas Michael Foale Michael Wilding Michelle middle name Mike Todd miles Ming Miss Jean Brodie Miss Moneypenny Miss Saigon Mission Impossible models monarch money mormons Morocco mortar Moscow Moses motorbike motorcycle motorhiking motorway motto Mount Ararat Mount Bakermountains Mount Hebron Mount Kenya Mount Kilimanjaro Mount Olive Mount Sinai mountains mouth movies Mozart Mr Chips Mr Creakle Mr.Tambourine Man Mrs Hyde Mrs. Briggs Mrs. Connolly Mrs. Laurence Mrs. Smith Mulberry muleta murder murderer muscle music musical musical score name Nanki Poo nappy Naseby nationality native tongue nature Nebuchadnezzar neck Neil Muir neon Nepal neutral New York New Zealand Newmarket news newspaper Nicholas Cage Ninth Question nobility Norfolk nose novel novelist NUJ number numbers nursery rhyme oak oar Oasis oath obese Of what Of where Of which official oil Old Moore's Almanack oldest Oldsmobile Oliver Oliver Cromwell Oliver Hardy Oliver Reed Oliver Twist Olympic On Her Majesty's Secret Service On which Ono opera orange juice oratorio organisation Origami origin Orkneys ornament oscar Osmond ostrich Oxford Oyez P P & Q P.D. James Pacific Paddington bear painter painting palm pancake paper folding par paraquat Paris Partridge Pasadena passenger passport past Patricia Cornwell patron saint Paul Beverly Paul McCartney Paul Simon Paul Young Paula Wellfair Peak Practice peanut butter pear-shaped peasant pelican pencil Penelope Keith Peninsular penquin pentathlon people percent Percy periodical persian Peruvian peseta phobia Phone a Friend phonetic photography phrase physics picador piccolo pict pictures pie Pierce Brosnan pig Pike pine pink carnation pirates plane planet plant plastic play players Pluto Plymouth pod poet poetry poison police police station politics Polo Pompidou Centre pop pop star poplar port portcullis portrait Portugal Portuguese positions Post Office Tower pottery pound pounds power boat Pretoria prey Princess Royal prison prize proverbial psalm book psychologist pub public puck pulse pumpkin purse Put these in order Pyrenese Q QANTAS Qatar Quakers quarter Quebec queen Queen of Scots queen's racing colours quilting Quitting quiz quoin race Rachel Da Costa racing drivers railway railway station Rain Man rake rank rating raven rayon rebels red kite red rose redcurrant Rehoboam religiom religion Renault reptiles restaurant Retsina rev counter Reveille Rhodes rhyme Richard Burton rifle shooting Rin Van Winkle Ringo Starr river RNLI road robin Robin Hood Robin Williams Rockies Rocky Roger Moore Roman Numeral Romance romantic fiction Ronaldo roof rook root rope rose Ross Jackson Royal Doulton Royal Marines rubies rugby rugby league rules Runnymede Russia Ruth Rendell Ryder Cup Sacramento sail sailing saint Sally Ride salmon salty Samantha Thomas San Francisco sand sandwich sanity Sarah Woodier SAS Saudi Arabia sausage Savoy Scaffold scales Scent of a Woman science Scilly Isles scorpion Scotland scottish Scouts Sean Connery Sears Tower season Season 1 Season 2 Second Question selling sentence sergeant series settlement seven dwarfs Seventh Question Severn Seville shaggy Shakespeare shape sheep sheepdog sheet Sheffield Shelley shelter sheriff Shetlands shillings shoes shooting shop Siam Sidewinder sign signal silver Sinbad Sing a Song of Sixpence Singapore Sling Sirius sitcom Sixth Question skeleton skiing Skin skinny skunk Skye sleepwalker smallest snake snap dragon sneakers snooker snooker balls Snow White soap soil Some like It Hot song songs SOS souls sow space spade Spain Spanish sparkling spectacles spiders sport spring square squash Sri Lanka St. Agnes St. Christopher St. Francis St. Luke St. Mary's St. Vincent stamps stand in star Starlight Express stars states statue steering Stephen King stile stilettos stone stories straightjacket Strauss strawberry strip club stroke oar stucco sturgeon style Subaru substance substitute suckling sugar Sun Sun Hill sunflower Superfortress superintendent Superman surgeon sweet Sweet Caroline sweet pea Swiss Switzerland symbol synonym table Table Mountain table tennis Taj Mahal Take That tanner tap Taps taste teacher technology teeth temperature Ten Commandments tennis Tenth Question testimony Texas Thailand the 1600's the 70s The Amish The Ashes The Bill The Byrds the Centigrade scale The Cinders the Cresta Run The Dog Star the East The FA Cup The Golden Shot The Great Bear The Jackson 5 The Jungle Book The Knave of Hearts the Labour Party The Lancet the Land of the Rising Sun The Last Post The Lost World The Mamas and The Papas The Marx Brothers The Mikado The Misfits the most The Nolan Sisters The Plough the Premiership title the Ramblers Association The Seven Year Itch The Sky At Night The Sound of Music The Spectator The Stage The Stubs the T.T. races The Thin Blue Line The Three Stooges The Virgin Soldiers the year 1998 theft Third Question This Is Your Life thistle Thomas Gainsborough throb thumb Tibet tiddlywinks tightrope walker tightrope walking Times Tina Bird tinky winky tiramisu title Tito Titus Andronicus To what To which toboggan Togo Tom Collins Tom Hanks tomato Tommy Lee Jones ton tongue Tony Carey Toronto Tosca Tower of London town town crier tradition Tralee transom transport travel travel guide travel guides tree trees trend Tri-Star triangular triathlon tug of war tumblers turtle dove tuxedo TV Twang!! tweed Twelfth Question Tyne U.S. U.S.A. UB 40 UK understudy union United Kingdom university Urals V vagabonds Valencia value vanilla vegetable vegetables vehicle Venetian Venice ventriloquism verdict verse Victoria Kaye Vincent Van Gogh violin virgo vixen viz. vocabulary Volkswagen Von Trapp wagons wainwright waiter Wales walking waltz war warm blood Warsaw Warwick wasps water Wayne weapon weddings Wedgwood weedkiller weekdays weight Wellington Wesley west West Side Story What What from What kind of What type of Where Where the Heart Is Wherever I Lay My Hat Which Which of Which other whisky white Who Who Dares Wins Whose Widnes will Will Smith William Tell willow Wilton House Wimbledon win Windsor Windsor Castle wine winkle pickers wire With which Witness wizard women wood woodpecker Worcester word words woven wrestling writing wrong answer wrong audience answer wrong phone answer WW2 X xenon year yellowhammer yew York Yum Yum zabalione zinc Zodiac

UK S1E5 Seventh Question (2)

How frequently is golf's Ryder Cup held?

A: Annually
B: Every two years
C: Every three years
D: Every four years

B: Every two years

John McKeown used the 50:50 lifeline.

And the remaining options were:
B: Every two years
C: Every three years

This is the (second) Seventh Question from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire (WWTBAM) UK Season 1 Episode 5.
This is the £4,000 question.
Question: Seventh Question
Country: UK
Contestant: John McKeown
Topics: Sport, Golf, Ryder Cup
Season: 1
Air date: 8 September 1998
Host: Chris Tarrant

John McKeown answered correctly.

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